Home Office Storage Tips

Home Office Storage TipsWhen you work from home, it quickly becomes clear that how your home office is organized can make a big impact on whether or not you’re productive. If your space is so cramped or so cluttered that you can’t find the things you need, it can hamper your ability to get anything done. Home office storage is critical to your professional success when you work from home.

3 Home Office Storage Tips

  1. Choose the Right Desk The desk that you select for your home office means a lot. It’s a choice that’s based on both your space and your style. Don’t underestimate this purchase – it sets the tone for your whole office. Before going to the store, decide whether your desk needs to accommodate books or printers for you to be successful. Then, decide if you’d like to achieve those goals with a hutch, drawers or shelves. Thinking through not just what you’d like things to look like but what items you need to do your job and where they will go will help you to select the perfect desk for your office space.
  2. Consider Functionality If you find the absolute perfect poof or storage locker for your home office, make sure that it actually serves a purpose in your professional life. Adding things to your office that don’t serve a purpose can mean you can’t reach things that you do need. Some things – like ottomans – can serve double duty by also having storage. Your office can definitely have some style – by all means pick items that you make you feel good to be in your space. But make sure that those items also have a purpose that will not impede you doing your job.
  3. Manage Clutter While this is always a good tip, it’s especially important in your home office. Working in an environment that is uncluttered allows you to find the things you need, keep them looking professional and not find yourself embarrassed if clients show up unexpectedly (as unlikely as that may be). Think through storage options, the placement of the items in the room, and of course, measure to before making purchases to make sure that everything fits well. This way you can have an uncluttered, healthy workspace.

If you can’t find your phone immediately when it rings, you’ve got a problem. Your home office should have a place for everything and everything in its place. Of course, that’s easier said than done. But having a system to begin with is critical to your success.

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