What Type of Desk is Right for Your Home Office

Recent research has found that approximately twenty-five percent of the US workforce works from home at some frequency. Even if you are not one of those who work from home occasionally, if you have a home computer, pay bills, or write letters, chances are you have a desk in your home. But what type of desk is right for you? Let’s take a look at some of the factors that go into choosing the right desk for your home office.

How to Choose the Right Desk

How to Choose the Right Desk Type

  1. How much space do you have? Some homes are large enough to have a dedicated room as a home office, while others’ offices are relegated to a corner of the living room. The size of the space of your office area will determine how large of a desk you can purchase.
  2. What is the purpose of your desk? If you are using your desk primarily for holding your computer or writing, you can choose a more compact desk with a moveable shelf for your keyboard. If your desk is going to be used as a crafting space or for children’s homework, a desk with a broad flat surface would be ideal. If you work from home, make sure your desk will accommodate all your electronic needs and includes space such as drawers or cabinets for files and binders.
  3. How much storage do you need? If your desk is only used for your family, you probably do not need as many file drawers as a person who is using their desk to run a business. Students may wish to keep notebooks and binders in a cabinet to keep them out of sight when not in use. If you will be meeting with business clients at your home office, make sure you have enough storage to keep any confidential or sensitive files behind closed doors or drawers.

Choosing the right desk will make all the difference in the organization of your home office. Try to think of any and every possible use for your desk before making a decision on this large piece of home furniture.

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